kruskal算法求最小生成树(kru) - 廖盛坪财富
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  • 2022-09-21
  • 59
  • 更新:2022-09-21 12:00:07




泰国格乐大学是中泰高等教育学历学位互认协定院校,由享誉海内外的著名教育家格乐•曼格拉布克博士创立于1952年,是一所立足泰王国、辐射亚太地区,以培养硕博研究生为重点、培育特色专业本科及本硕连读复合人才的多科性教学综合研究型高等学府,也是泰王国第一所可以给有中文基础的泰国学生提供特色本科专业中文授课课程,并提供泰国教育部学费贷款及奖学金政策服务的大学,学校拥有全泰王国国家级核心期刊及泰王国最具影响力的强势政治沟通学院,是泰国教育部批准中文授课多语培养国际课程基地,是国际大学协会(International Association of Universities,IAU)成员、全球能源互联网大学联盟成员及南亚东南亚大学联盟成员。

kruskal算法求最小生成树(kru)  第1张

Kru的《Drama》 歌词



专辑:10 Di Skala Richter

I wanna dedicate this song to the young god, Kareem

The Genius... Digi...

Sing it 'em to real quick, yo

Like to keep my head up to the sky

And ask myself, why, it has to be this way

I'd like to live my life in peace

And have, not to worry about

All the drama, I can't take

Cuz we strive for luxury

And try to feed our families

It always seems that someone seen our way

I met a young brother, about 28

Who seemed intelligent and rather quite straight

I greeted him, and struck a conversation

To see if the youngster had some self motivation

Peace brother, whats your name? How you be?

(I'm Rugged Monk and I'm all about the currency)

You mean gettin' paid?

Yeah like my man's brother

Who has a condo, he shares with his baby mother

You know a condo beats my apartment

With no lights, no gas and backed up rent

No hot water or heat, infested with plenty rats

That'll eat up the average alley cat

(I'm like damn, homey, thats poverty, he's like)

Word O.G. that bothers me

Plus I'm about to be a new father, G

(We need to wise up and change the hood policy)

Yo, why you fear the devil, as a grown man?

Why you not out there trying to make your own plan?

See we are a victim, of a situation

Where a wicked man, separated the nation

And got us killin' off one another

Black on black, they pit brother on brother

It's gettin' hot, hotter than July

See the murder and crime rate is risin' to the sky

(For example, in my neighborhood it's so hot

I'm often woke up, from the alarming sounding of a shot, so I'm thinking what)

Is your neighborhood a trap?

{Could this be the place marked X on the map?}

(And I'm spotted like a target in a shooting gallery

So I strive to seek for a better salary

So I can escape from where? From this ghetto life area

{Cuz everyday it gets scarier}

泰国格乐大学受教育 部承认吗,想去这学校留学


泰国格乐大学(krirk university)是中泰高等教育学历学位互认协定院校,由享誉海内外的著名教育家格乐·曼格拉布克(Dr. Krirk Mangalabruks)博士创立于1952年,是一所私立院校。












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