xo马爹利(xom) - 廖盛坪财富
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  • 焦点
  • 2022-10-06
  • 93
  • 更新:2022-10-06 18:40:07







1、 XOM虽然也是一种面向对象的XML API,类似于DOM 的风格,但是它有一些与众不同的特性比如严格保持内存中对象的不变性,从而使XOM实例总是能序列化为正确的XML。此外,与其他Java XML API相比,XOM 追求更简单和更正规。 ILOG JRules中XOM还被称为执行对象模型(eXecution Object Model).

2、XOM组合:XO是韩国S.M Entertainment 2011年12月22日亮相,2012正式推出的组合,分在中国出道活动的M队和在韩国出道活动的K队。EXO这个名字从意为太阳系以外的外部行星EXOPLANET一词中得来,蕴含了他们是从未知的世界来的新星之意。在EXO后添加代表KOREA的K在韩国开始活动,添加代表Mandarin的M在中国开始活动,并有逐步进军全球,将EXO的音乐传遍全世界的抱负。

xo马爹利(xom)  第1张

如何安装 xom.jar













2.be my shine

3.dance dance dance


5.go back



8.one day

9.stop it

10.wonderful girl

11.you and I


13.my dear(政敏solo)



16.good night


18.excause me

19.I'll be there


21.love style

22.not one,but two



25.super hero

26.pink romance(boyfriend&sistar&K.will)



2.what is love


4.双月之夜two moons



7.baby don't cry(chen和鹿晗在showcase的时候唱过的)



XOM™ is a new XML object model. It is an open source (LGPL), tree-based API for processing XML with Java that strives for correctness, simplicity, and performance, in that order.


What's Wrong with XML APIs (and how to fix them)

Jar file (Core packages only)

Complete zip (includes source code, prebuilt jars, API documentation, unit tests, sample programs, third party jars)

Complete tar.gz (includes source code, prebuilt jars, API documentation, unit tests, sample programs, third party jars)

Source code zip (includes source code, unit tests, sample programs, third party jars)

Source code tar.gz (includes source code, API documentation, unit tests, sample programs, third party jars)

xom-interest mailing list

CVS Tree

Gump Results

Unstable Version

XOM is designed to be easy to learn and easy to use. It works very straight-forwardly, and has a very shallow learning curve. Assuming you're already familiar with XML, you should be able to get up and running with XOM very quickly.

XOM is the only XML API that makes no compromises on correctness. XOM only accepts namespace well-formed XML documents, and only allows you to create namespace well-formed XML documents. (In fact, it's a little stricter than that: it actually guarantees that all documents are round-trippable and have well-defined XML infosets.) XOM manages your XML so you don't have to. With XOM, you can focus on the unique value of your application, and trust XOM to get the XML right.

XOM is fairly unique in that it is a dual streaming/tree-based API. Individual nodes in the tree can be processed while the document is still being built. The enables XOM programs to operate almost as fast as the underlying parser can supply data. You don't need to wait for the document to be completely parsed before you can start working with it.

XOM is very memory efficient. If you read an entire document into memory, XOM uses as little memory as possible. More importantly, XOM allows you to filter documents as they're built so you don't have to build the parts of the tree you aren't interested in. For instance, you can skip building text nodes that only represent boundary white space, if such white space is not significant in your application. You can even process a document piece by piece and throw away each piece when you're done with it. XOM has been used to process documents that are gigabytes in size.

XOM includes built-in support for a number of XML technologies including Namespaces in XML, XPath, XSLT, XInclude, xml:id, and Canonical XML. XOM documents can be converted to and from SAX and DOM.

XOM is not complete unto itself. It depends on an underlying SAX parser to read documents and feed the data into a tree structure. While theoretically any SAX2 compliant parser should work, Xerces 2.6.1 and later is the only one that I am fairly confident does work. Xerces 2.7.1 is included with the full distribution. This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (). Piccolo 1.0.3, Crimson, GNU JAXP 1.0b1, the Oracle XML Parser for Java and, and Xerces versions prior to 2.6.1 all have bugs that prevent them from doing what XOM needs them to do. (Note to XML parser vendors: XOM's test suite gives parsers a very thorough workout, and delves into many of the more obscure parts of the XML spec that many parsers get wrong. You could do a lot worse for testing than making sure all the XOM unit tests pass when using your parser.)

Similarly XSLT support depends on a TrAX processor (Xalan-J 2.6.0 is bundled). XInclude and XML canonicalization, however, are native.

The current version of XOM is 1.1. XOM is believed to be quite stable and robust. Future, post-1.1 releases should be backwards compatible with the 1.1 API for the foreseeable future.

If you'd like to know more about XOM, I suggest starting with the tutorial. XOM also includes a large collection of small sample programs that demonstrate various parts of the library. If you're curious about why XOM is the way it is, or if you would like to suggest future directions for XOM, you should read the design principles on which XOM is based. if you have a question about XOM that is not answered in the API documentation or the FAQ, you can ask it on the xom-interest mailing list. You do not need to be subscribed to post, but non-subscriber questions are moderated.




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