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  • 2022-10-22
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  • 更新:2022-10-22 17:15:05




QuickServe is a home repair company. QuickServe是一家家庭维修公司。

It provides quick, reliable repair services to homes. 它为家庭提供快速、可靠的维修服务。

QuickServe handles plumbing and electrical issues 24 hours a day. QuickServe全天24小时处理管道和电力问题。

It also cleans roofs, fixes Internet connections and replaces broken windows. 还清洁屋顶、修复互联网连接和更换破损的窗户。

For a small fee, customers subscribe to the service. 顾客只需付少量费用就可以订阅这项服务。

Its main customers are the elderly, which means older people. 它的主要客户是上了年纪的人,也就是老年人。 

Whenever customers have a problem, they can call for help. 每当顾客有问题时,他们都可以打电话寻求帮助。

There is also a small service charge for each service call.对每个服务电话也要收取少量的服务费。

The company was established five years ago, and is growing rapidly. 这家公司成立于五年前,目前发展迅速。

It started in one city, but it’s now in 5 cites. 它开始于一个城市,但现在在5个城市。

The company plans to expand to 10 cities within the next 24 months. 该公司计划在未来24个月内将业务扩展到10个城市。

In each city, there is a small central office in a low-rent area of  the city. 在每个城市,都有一个小的中心办公室在城市的低租金地区。

The central office handles the businesses, advertising, payroll and billing. 中央办公室处理业务,广告,工资和帐单。

It also takes calls from customers, either online or by telephone. 它还接听客户的电话,无论是在线上还是电话。

It takes calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 每周7天,每天24小时接听电话。

Sixty percent of the company’s employees work from their homes. 该公司60%的员工在家工作。

When a customer calls in to the central office, a service employee is contacted. 当客户呼叫中央办公室时,会联系服务人员。

The service employee then contacts customer and sets up an appointment. 然后,服务人员与客户联系并安排预约。

These service employees are highly trained and provide excellent service. 这些服务人员都受过良好的培训,提供优质的服务。

In emergencies, such as a serious plumbing problem, service can be provided within an hour. 在紧急情况下,例如严重的管道问题,可以在一小时内提供服务。

One reason for this is that the service employees live in different parts of the city. 其中一个原因是,服务人员居住在城市的不同地区。

They are not centrally located, so it’s quicker and easier for them to travel to a customer’s home. 他们不位于中心位置,所以对他们来说,去客户家里更快捷、更容易。

QuickServe has an excellent reputation. QuickServe有很好的声誉。

Its prices are reasonable and its services are quick and efficient. 其价格合理,服务快捷高效。

The company’s service employees are clean, polite and efficient. 公司的服务人员干净、礼貌、高效。

In this type of business, person to person contact is the key to success. 在这类业务中,人际交往是成功的关键。

With each satisfied customer, more customers subscribe. 随着每一个满意的客户,更多的客户订阅。

Satisfied customers recommend QuickServe to their friends. 满意的客户向他们的朋友推荐QuickServe。

This kind of word-of-mouth advertising is very cost effective. 这种口碑广告是非常划算的。

Cost effective means that the results are good without paying a high price. 成本效益是指在不付出高昂代价的情况下取得良好的效果。

In other words, quality service provides its own reward to the company. 换句话说,优质服务本身就是对公司的回报。

The company takes great pride in being honest with its customers. 这家公司以对顾客诚实而自豪。

There are no hidden charges for their services. 他们的服务没有隐藏的费用。

As a result, the number of customers in each city is growing rapidly. 因此,每个城市的客户数量都在迅速增长。

With the aging population, there are more elderly people who need home repair services. 随着人口老龄化,越来越多的老年人需要家庭维修服务。

These people need to have confidence in the service provider. 这些人需要对服务提供者有信心。

They don’t want to be cheated. 他们不想被骗。

These people don’t mind paying a reasonable fee for high quality service. 这些人不介意为高质量的服务支付合理的费用。

High quality service should be rewarded. 高质量的服务应该给以报酬。

The company provides a range of service plans, each with a different subscription price. 该公司提供一系列的服务计划,每个计划都有不同的订阅价格。

The least expensive service plan is called the basic plan. 最便宜的服务计划称为基本计划。

This plan provides non-emergency services with a very low service charge. 该计划以极低的服务费提供非紧急服务。

The most expensive service plan is their VIP plan. 最昂贵的服务计划是他们的贵宾计划。

The VIP plan provides emergency services 24 hours a day with no additional service charge. VIP计划提供24小时的紧急服务,不收取额外的服务费。

It also provides rebates to customers who don’t call for any service during the year. 该公司还向全年没有申请任何服务的客户提供回扣。

In addition, QuickServe gives bonus points to customers for each year that they subscribe. 此外,客户每订阅一年,QuickServe就会给他们额外的积分。

These bonus points can be used to buy new appliances such as stoves and refrigerators. 这些积分可以用来购买新的电器,如炉灶和冰箱。

If the business continues to grow, the owners may decide to take the company public. 如果业务继续增长,老板可能会决定让公司上市。

This means that the public can buy shares of the company. 这意味着公众可以购买公司的股票。

It will then change from a privately-owned company to a public company. 然后,它将从一家私营公司转变为一家上市公司。

The owners believe that their business is successful and can expand around the world. 老板们认为他们的生意很成功,可以在世界各地扩张。

They also believe that taking their company public can make them rich. 他们还相信,公司上市可以让他们变得富有。

Biology is the study of life, including its structure and evolution. 生物学是研究生命的学科,包括生命的结构和进化。

Biologists study how life survives and reproduces. 生物学家研究生命如何生存和繁殖。

Chemistry is the study of matter, including the structure of atoms and molecules. 化学是研究物质的学科,包括原子和分子的结构。

Chemists study how various substances interact with each other. 化学家研究各种物质如何相互作用。

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. 天文学是最古老的科学之一。

Astronomers study the structure and evolution of the universe, including the study of stars, planets and galaxies. 天文学家研究宇宙的结构和演化,包括研究恒星、行星和星系。

Geology is the study of the structure and history of the Earth and other planets. 地质学是研究地球和其他行星的结构和历史的学科。

Geologists study different types of rocks, earthquakes and different layers of the Earth. 地质学家研究不同类型的岩石、地震和地球的不同层。

Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, patterns and change. 数学是研究数字、形状、图案和变化的学科。

Mathematics is used by all other branches of science. 所有其他科学分支都使用数学。

Here are some types of terrible events that hurt or kill people. 以下是一些伤害或杀死人的可怕事件。

Earthquakes are caused by forces deep within the Earth. 地震是由地球深处的力量引起的。

During earthquakes, many people are often killed by collapsing buildings and bridges. 在地震中,许多人经常死于倒塌的建筑物和桥梁。

Floods happen when rivers rise and overflow their banks. 当河水上涨溢出堤岸时,就会发生洪水。

Floodwaters damage or destroy many houses and businesses. 洪水破坏或摧毁了许多房屋和企业。

Fires destroy buildings, land and forests. 大火摧毁了建筑物、土地和森林。

There are many causes for fire, including lightning. 引起火灾的原因有很多,包括闪电。

In a hurricane, high winds destroy buildings and sometimes cause flooding. 在飓风中,大风会毁坏建筑物,有时还会引起洪水。

Some hurricanes have winds of more than 200 miles an hour. 有些飓风的风速超过每小时200英里。

Car accidents happen when cars collide or when drivers lose control of their cars. 当汽车相撞或司机失去对汽车的控制时,就会发生车祸。

One of the main causes of car accidents is driving too fast. 交通事故的主要原因之一是开车太快。

W: What’s in that big box you're carrying? 你搬着的那个大箱子里是什么?

M: It’s a new desk. 这是一张新桌子。

I just bought it, and now I have to put it together.我刚买的,现在我得把它拼起来。

W: Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗?

M: No, I don’t think so. 我觉得不需要。

I just need to get my tools. 我只需要拿我的工具。

I’ll need a screwdriver and maybe a hammer.我需要一把螺丝刀和一把锤子。

W: Don’t forget to read the instructions. 别忘了看说明书。

W: How are things going? 事情进展如何?

M: I’ m almost finished. 我快做完了。

W: Something doesn’t look right to me. 我觉得有些不对劲。

The right side is higher than the left side. 右边比左边高。

M: Oh, you’re right. 哦,你说得对。

It looks like I put a couple of screws into the wrong places.看起来我把几个螺丝钉放错地方了。

W: So now you have to take it apart. 所以现在你得把它拆开。

M: Great, and I thought I was almost finished. 对,我以为我快完成了。

W: I told you to read the instructions. 我告诉过你要看说明书。

Did you read them? 你看了吗?

M: No, I didn’t read them. 不,我没看。

I hate to read the instructions. 我讨厌看说明书。

I looked at them, but they were confusing.我看着它们,但它们让我感到困惑。

W: Well, this is what happens when you don’t. 好吧,这就是你不看的后果。

You were too impatient. 你太没耐心了。

Anyway, what can I do to help you? 话说回来,我能帮你什么忙?

M: Could you get another screwdriver and help me unscrew some of these screws? 你能再拿一个螺丝刀来帮我把这些螺丝拧开吗?

W: OK, but next time please read the instructions. 好的,不过下次请仔细阅读说明。

W: Do you ever look up at the sky and think about life and universe? 你有没有仰望天空思考过生命和宇宙?

M: I did when I was a kid. 我小时候做过。

But I don’t do that very much anymore. 但我已经不怎么这么做了。

Why do you ask? 你为什么问?

W: Sometimes I feel like I’m lost in day-to-day details. 有时我觉得自己迷失在日常的细节中。

Then when I look up at the sky, I see the big picture. 然后当我仰望天空时,我看到了大画面。

I appreciate things more, even the little things.我更欣赏事物,甚至是小事。

M: You sound like a philosopher or a poet. 你听起来像个哲学家或诗人。

I felt like that too when I was a kid.我小时候也有这种感觉。

W: Don’t you feel like that anymore? 你不再有那样的感觉了吗?

M: No, I don’t.没有

In fact, I try not to. 事实上,我尽量不这么做。

When I think about things too deeply, I get depressed. 当我把事情想得太深刻时,我就会感到沮丧。

It’s even a bit frightening.这甚至有点可怕。

W: Really? For me it’s just the opposite. 真的吗? 对我来说正好相反

Everything seems like a wonderful miracle.。一切都像是一个奇迹。

M: Doesn’t that frighten you a bit? 你不觉得有点害怕吗?

The universe is so large and we are so small.宇宙如此之大,我们如此之小。

W: What I realize is how little we understand. 我意识到我们了解的太少了。

We just need to appreciate our lives and not get lost.我们只需要珍惜我们的生活,不要迷失方向。

M: Sometimes being lost isn’t so bad. 有时候迷失并不是那么糟糕。

Do you know the expression "ignorance is bliss"? 你知道“无知是福”这句话吗?

W: Sure, I’ve heard it many times. 当然,我已经听过很多次了。

To be ignorant is to be happy.无知就是快乐。

M: Maybe it’s true. 也许是真的。

Maybe it’s best not to think or know too much.也许最好不要想太多或知道太多。

W: No, that’s not for me. 不,那不适合我。

I want to understand as much as possible. 我想要尽可能多的了解。

That’s why I became a scientist.这就是我成为科学家的原因。

M: Well, I respect your choice but it’s not for me. 好吧,我尊重你的选择,但这不适合我。

If understanding is painful, I’d rather not understand.如果理解是痛苦的,我宁愿不理解。

流利说概念股(流利说股票)  第1张













参考资料来源:人民网-上市首日股价狂涨3.5倍 百度荣登纳市中国第一股

参考资料来源:人民网-爱奇艺上市首年成绩单:营收250亿 为何还亏91亿?

参考资料来源:人民网-京东上市市值近300亿美元 刘强东身价48亿美元

参考资料来源:人民网-组图:阿里都上市了 这些牛企为何誓死不上市?


有“美股中国职业教育第一股”之称的达内 科技 (NASDAQ:TEDU)在美上市的第七个年头,再次走到退市边缘。

达内 科技 12月14日晚发布公告称,因在美存托股票(ADS)的收盘价连续30个工作日低于每股1美元,不符合纳斯达克上市规则中的最低交易价格要求,12月10日收到纳斯达克退市警告函。

为提高股价,达内 科技 曾于12月1日宣布“拆股”决定,将每ADS代表1股A类普通股拆分为每ADS代表5股A类普通股。若美国证券交易委员会(SEC)同意,该决定将于12月23日生效。

达内 科技 认为,此举或可带动ADS交易价格按比例上涨,但无法保证实现这一目标。


2019年11月,独立审核委员会调查发现,达内 科技 在2014财年至2018财年累计虚增6.3亿元的营业收入,达内 科技 股价曾一度连续30个交易日低于1美元,2019年11月26日收到退市通知。

根据纳斯达克上市规则,达内 科技 有180天的宽限期,可延至2020年5月25日。

2020年1月,达内 科技 宣布重新符合纳斯达克的最低竞标价格,退市风险暂时缓解。

达内 科技 三季度净亏损9470万元,亏损同比扩大48.2%。


达内 科技 正在逐渐剥离成人IT业务,逐渐加大少儿编程业务。

财报显示,达内 科技 的成人职业教育业务净营收2.826亿元,同比下降14.7%,占总净营收的45.9%;儿童青少年素质教育业务营收3.326亿元,同比增长14.8%,占总净营收的54.1%。

“双减”明确规定,学科类培训机构一律不得上市融资,严禁资本化运作,除了达内 科技 ,已有多家教育公司收到退市警告函。








英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part1-Types of Information

Public information is available to anyone who wants to know it.任何想知道的人都可以得到公共信息。

If a store is opened to the public, it means anyone can come in.如果一家商店对公众开放,这意味着任何人都可以进来。

Many people make money by investing in public companies.许多人通过投资上市公司赚钱。

A public company makes its shares available for purchase by any investor.上市公司的股票可供任何投资者购买。

Private information is not open to everyone, but is only available to trusted friends or family.私人信息并不是对所有人开放的,而是只对信任的朋友或家人开放。

Information about one's secret hopes and dreams is usually private.一个人的秘密希望和梦想通常是私人的。

The pass word to your bank account is private information.你的银行账户密码是私人信息。

Most people keep their personal information private.大多数人都对自己的个人信息保密。

Confidential information is secret information.机密信息就是机密信息。

Confidential information is not supposed to be shared with others.机密信息不应该与他人共享。

The details of a secret design or how a company makes decisions are often confidential.秘密设计或公司决策的细节通常是保密的。

Revealing confidential information may be illegal.泄露机密信息可能是违法的。

Gossip is information that is often exchanged because it's exciting or fun, even though it may not be true.八卦是人们经常交换的信息,因为它令人兴奋或有趣,即使它可能不是真的。

Office gossip is often entertaining, but it can also be damaging.办公室八卦通常是娱乐性的,但也可能是破坏性的。

Gossip may hurt or embarrass the person being gossiped about.说闲话可能会伤害或使被说闲话的人感到尴尬。

When people gossip, they may hurt someone by spreading false or embarrassing information.当人们说闲话时,他们可能会传播虚假或尴尬的信息来伤害别人。

Opinions are what people think or feel about something, as opposed to factual information.意见是人们对某事的想法或感觉,与事实信息相反。

Factual information is based on facts or evidence, but opinions are what people think or feel.事实信息是以事实或证据为基础的,而意见是人们的想法或感觉。

Opinions oftendiffer, and when they do people mayargue.意见往往不一致,当他们这样做的时候,人们可能会争论。

Someone’s opinion is what they think or feel about something.某人的意见就是他对某事的想法或感觉。

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